Monty Choy

Hardware Hacker

About Me

I'm Monty! I'm from San Francisco, CA and I'm currently studying electrical engineering at Cal Poly SLO. I've worked at Apple twice and Microsoft and I also run Suild. I've been coding for 9+ years and working with electronics for 5+ years.

On the hardware side, I did a two hardware engineering internships at Apple and I run Suild. I do DC-DC power electronics, high-speed design, MCUs, embedded systems hardware, PCB layout and design, motor and solenoid drives, electronics manufacturing and testing, computer organization, and SoC platform architecture.

On the software side, I did a software engineering internship at Microsoft. I do full-stack web development with the MERN stack, firmware, and embedded systems software. I've also dabbled with game development, Android development, machine learning, cloud development, and computer vision.

In my free time, in addition to coding and electronics, I like to breakdance (working on Halos and headspins), modify Nerf guns (Stryfe is my favorite), and play board games (Dominion and Grifters are my favorites), Yu-Gi-Oh (I run Agents link spam + Krystia turbo), and Call of Duty Mobile (Top 64 in North America).



(and meaningless quantifications)

Hardware Engineering

DC-DC Power Electronics

Embedded Systems

Inductive Load Drives

PCB Layout & Design


Computer Architecture

High-Speed Design

Software Engineering


Embedded Programming






GitHub Stats

(the most important info)




Cupertino, CA

Jun 2021 - Sept 2021

Electrical Engineering Intern - PMIC/PMU Post-Silicon Validation

I worked on the power electronics side of Apple Silicon to develop an end-to-end automated validation and characterization methodology on multiphase buck converters that simulates the dynamic, random, and high di/dt SoC behavior.


Electrical Engineering Intern - PMIC/PMU Post-Silicon Validation

Jun 2021 - Sept 2021

I worked on the power electronics side of Apple Silicon to develop an end-to-end automated validation and characterization methodology on multiphase buck converters that simulates the dynamic, random, and high di/dt SoC behavior.


Sunnyvale, CA (Remote)

Jun 2020 - Sept 2020

Software Engineering Intern - Surface Duo Firmware

I worked on the Surface Duo, Microsoft's new folding phone. I built directly on my previous hardware engineering experience by developing code for hardware sensors that will be commercialized on the final product. I worked through the entire stack from device drivers, the Android HAL, and native libraries all the way up to the Android framework and Android applications.


Software Engineering Intern - Surface Duo Firmware

Jun 2020 - Sept 2020

I worked on the Surface Duo, Microsoft's new folding phone. I built directly on my previous hardware engineering experience by developing code for hardware sensors that will be commercialized on the final product. I worked through the entire stack from device drivers, the Android HAL, and native libraries all the way up to the Android framework and Android applications.


Cupertino, CA

Jan 2019 - Sept 2019 (9 months)

Hardware Engineering Intern - Apple TV Hardware Engineering

I did a 9-month hardware engineering co-op on the Apple TV and Apple TV Remote. I experienced Apple's hardware product design, testing, and manufacturing methodologies and how that all comes together to make amazing products.


Hardware Engineering Intern - Apple TV Hardware Engineering

Jan 2019 - Sept 2019 (9 months)

I did a 9-month hardware engineering co-op on the Apple TV and Apple TV Remote. I experienced Apple's hardware product design, testing, and manufacturing methodologies and how that all comes together to make amazing products.


San Francisco, CA

Feb 2018 - Jul 2020


I ran a small business to design, manufacture, and sell PCB-based electronics products for modified Nerf blasters. Shipped over 1,000 units to over 10 countries totalling over $15,000 in revenue. I also developed the website which receives over 30,000 annual sessions. The website hosts a webstore, technical documentation, and interactive applications.



Feb 2018 - Jul 2020

I ran a small business to design, manufacture, and sell PCB-based electronics products for modified Nerf blasters. Shipped over 1,000 units to over 10 countries totalling over $15,000 in revenue. I also developed the website which receives over 30,000 annual sessions. The website hosts a webstore, technical documentation, and interactive applications.



More Projects







Digital Multimeter

December 2021

Cal Poly EE329 - MCU-Based System Design

DMM implemented on STM32 and CLI to measure AC frequency, RMS voltage, peak-to-peak voltage, and DC voltage of signal frequencies up to 40kHz with 25mV voltage accuracy and 1Hz frequency accuracy.

Function Generator

October 2021

Cal Poly EE329 - MCU-Based System Design

Function generator implemented on STM32 to output periodic square, sine, sawtooth, and triangle waveforms of variable frequency, voltage swing, and duty cycle.

Digital Lockbox

October 2021

Cal Poly EE329 - MCU-Based System Design

Digital lockbox implemented on STM32 with keypad and LCD interface. Supports locking/unlocking and password reprogramming.

APRS-IS Parser

April 2021 - June 2021

Cal Poly EE271 - Intro to C Programming

CLI program to receive, parse, store, and sort APRS-IS packets.

Music Generator

February 2021

Cal Poly EE368 - Signals and Systems Lab

Reconstructed song with time-varying frequency content by calculating discrete-time signal frequencies, harmonics, envelope, and Fourier components.


December 2020

Personal blog to share posts. Supports commenting and liking posts run on Firebase realtime database.

Flywheel Setup Picker

Nov 2019 - July 2020

Suild Application

Full-stack web application to submit, find, vote, and comment on Nerf blaster modification configurations.


June 2020

Cal Poly CPE233 - Computer Design

Simple MCU to implement RISC-V ISA modeled in SystemVerilog.

ATMega328P Eval Board

December 2019 - Present

ATMega328P MCU eval board for prototyping ATMega328P MCU and CH340G USB to UART controller before implementing the MCU into more complex projects.

PWM Module

April - May 2019

Suild Product

Astable 555 with adjustable frequency and duty cycle for solenoid or motor control in modified Nerf blasters. It stacks on top of another custom PCB to safely drive large loads.

MOSFET Board +

May 2019

Suild Product

A beefy MOSFET-based inductive load driver for modified Nerf blasters. It's capable of driving up to 3 sets of flywheel motors or solenoids simultaneously!

MOSFET Board 2

February 2019

Suild Product

2nd version of the MOSFET Board. This new version brings a smaller form factor, expanable headers, and compatibility with the new MOSFET Board Ecosystem.

CV Nerf Turret

Josh, Monty, & Raymond

February 2019

Tree Hacks 2019

CV-powered facial-recognition Nerf turret. A CV application runs a host Mac machine and uses an Android phone camera for facial recognition. The host mac communicates with an ATMega328P MCU over USB to rotate the custom laser-cut turret to engage the Nerf blaster.

LiPo Calculator

December 2018

Suild Application

A web application to calculate voltage and output current specs based on cell count, discharge rating, and capacity ratings of a LiPo.

Egg Transporter Robot

Drew, Jonathon, Monty, & Jackson

October - December 2018

Cal Poly EE 151

Line-following and obstacle-avoiding robot that transports to radiated factory workers.

LiPo Checker

November 2018

Suild Application

A web application to verify if a given LiPo battery works with a setup of aftermarket Nerf motors. Supports undervolting, overvolting, motor options, and more!

Web-Controlled Nerf Blaster

November 2018

Cal Poly Arduino Fest 2018

Web application to control power outputs to control rate-of-fire and firing power of a highly modified Nerf blaster.

Dorm Doorman

Josh and Monty

November 2018

init() by SLO Hacks

Honorable Mention

Uses machine learning and computer vision to unlock a door based upon facial recognition. Also includes Nerf blaster to engage unwanted intruders.

Nerf Super Soaker Turret

Summer 2018

Remote-controlled motorized Nerf Super Soaker Thundershock water gun turret. Controlled with a Raspberry Pi with with an onboard camera and microphone allowing for realtime audio and video streaming of water blasting.

Smart Stryfe

Summer 2018

Modified Arduino-powered Nerf Stryfe blaster. Includes a built-in ammo counter, chronograph, voltmeter, and variable motor control. Utilizes custom 3D printed and machined components specially designed for modified Nerf applications and custom Arduino shield.

Interactive Motor Chart

May 2018

Suild Application

Interactive chart to display specifications, information, and purchase locations of aftermarket Nerf motors for flywheel system applications.

MOSFET Board Kit

January - February 2018

Suild Product

MOSFET board kits for modified Nerf blasters with protection from transient inductive spiking, dV/dt, and ESD failure modes. Also logic-level compatible with necessary components to mitigate parasitic oscillation. Released as a product shipped and sold internationally.

MOSFETs for Nerf Applications

August 2017

Suild Documentation

An extensive technical write-up on everything there is to know about power MOSFETs for Nerf applications.

Cardboard Chrony

August 2017

Arduino-powered ballistics chronograph able to track and calculate muzzle velocity of Nerf blasters, airsoft guns, paintball guns, and more. Built with an Arduino Nano, side-looking IR emitters and receivers, I2C monochrome OLED display, PVC, and a cardboard box.

Let's Robot powered Nerf Turret Tutorial

July 2017

Suild Documentation

Follow this tutorial to make an internet-controlled Nerf blaster turret with Let's Robot's robot controllers.

Smart Blaster

July 2017 - Present

A hardware and software platform consisting of stackable PCB modules and a library compatible with Teensy and Arduino microcontrollers enabling ammo counting and more for modified Nerf blasters.

Awesome Nerf Turret

Summer 2017

Made for Let's Robot

Remote-controlled Nerf Hyperfire turret powered by Let's Robot's real time platform that allows for real-time streaming and control of the turret through

Vyper T-28

August 2014 - August 2017

Integration of three Nerf blasters with a built-in Arduino-powered ammo counter, chronograph, and voltmeter.

Nerf Time

Michael, Monty, & Elias

July 2017 Hackathon

Nerf turret controlled remotely using web app with live video streaming using a mobile device.

Smart Strayven

August 2013 - Present

Integration of two Nerf blasters with a built-in Arduino-powered ammo counter, chronograph, and voltmeter.



Jet, Cherry, & Monty

January 2017 - May 2017

Advanced Architectural Design

3rd Place Best Group Design Bay Area Architectural Foundation Competition

A Music Production Hub situated between Pier 1 and Pier 2 in Fort Mason's Historic Landmark District, residing close to the current home of the Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture (FMCAC) which consolidates various outlets for people to explore their creative and artistic abilities.

Personal Website

January 2017 - Present

You're on this right now! I remake this every year for application season

Nerf Ammo Counter Tutorial

November 2016

Suild Documentation

Make your own simple and cheap DIY ammo counter for Nerf blasters.

Nerf Ammo Counter

November 2016

Arduino-powered ammo counter for modified Nerf blasters. Can store and save various magazine sizes and count up from 0. Ammo displayed on small monochrome OLED display.


Calaveras County Cabin

September 2016 - June 2017

Advanced Architectural Design

A small year-round vacation cabin used for fun and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the busy and congested metropolitan area. This cabin is a comfortable, well-designed retreat, with an approximate area of 1600 square-feet. This is a flexible and sustainable space, taking advantage of 'green' technology, energy savings, innovative and minimal materials, and attention to space and light. Integration with the beautiful outdoors are also central to the design.

King of Nepal Noodle

Summer 2016

In Android game code named 'King of Nepal Noodle', evolve through the ages to defend against the enemies from stealing your treasure by controlling your primary tower, building and upgrading more towers, and setting traps in this tower defense gamed played in the portrait orientation.

Awesome Game

Michael, Erica, Monty, & Danny

July 2016

CodeDay San Francisco Summer 2016

A real-time multiplayer side-scroller shooter web game built with Phaser and Firebase.

Isaac Against the World

Annie & Monty

Fall 2016

Mission Bit winter 2015

2nd Place Congressional App Challenge 2016

A two-player bird's-eye-view shooter web game with guns, explosions, and zombies. Inspired by Boxhead. Made with Phaser.

Zombie FPS

Monty & Wesley

November 2014

CodeDay 2014

First-person survival shooter with tons of guns and zombies powered by Unity. Survive through endless waves of zombies.


Monty & Oscar

Winter 2013

CodeDay 2013

First-person survival shooter made in CRYENGINE.